Floating Structures Pilot Project:
Scientific Research
Location: Southwest Brooklyn, NY
Client: The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Team: Hudson River Foundation
The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) explored floating structures as part of their strategy to develop former port areas in ways that are environmentally sustainable and proactive about climate change. This three-year pilot project expands our knowledge of the environmental impacts of floating structures on the aquatic habitat in New York's estuary.
Current NY regulations are based on studies conducted under large platforms; however, very little scientific data has been collected on smaller, more mobile floating structures. Meanwhile, there is increasing demand for floating structures for environmentally beneficial uses, such as commuter ferry terminals. This pilot helps build a body of knowledge about how these structures 1) affect the abundance and distribution of fishes and 2) influence hydrodynamics and the transport of sediment.
Nautilus acted as a consultant to the PANYNJ, both helping to oversee a multi-disciplinary team of specialists and scientists, and assisting with informational meetings to communicate the findings. At the conclusion of this phase of the pilot, the team produced a written report including a summary of previous scientific studies, a description of the data collected, an analysis of the data and test results, and recommendations for next steps.
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